Thursday, June 23, 2011

Monday, June 13, 2011

Not yet Cleared but up for Grabs

Straight out of OUTER SPACE
All Biltwell Novelty Lids
one size fits most!

These are not yet cleared the flake will
PoP like diamonds once the clear is laid down...

left 250.00 center 250.00 right 200.00
These prices include shipping
to the U.S.
Out of the States
add 45.00

This set of Flamers are true old school crab claw
flames you gotta love the flamers!!!
All the Flamers are 245.00
Shipped to U.S.
Out of the States add 45.00

Some may be up for grabs at
Lowbrow Customs as well
which means they will

Dibs Taken on:
All Green Flamer!!!

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Vagabond Kings Crazy Moon Run....July 16th

All welcome with 1960 and older cars and any year and make bikes.

We will meet at Bob's Big Boys (Brookpark and 130th Cleveland Oh.) for breakfast at 9:00am.

Run leaves at 10:00 to Geneva On The Lake for some good ol' fun.